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日付 2016/09/28(水) 17:30 ~ 19:00


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  • 出席: xNTiumaJ: I can't get through at the moment http://www.foro.parhikuni.com.mx/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=41 babeenvy Yet perhaps the winds of change are blowing. Cantab Capital Partners has launched its Core Macro Fund with a “1/2 and 10” fee structure. The management fee of 0.5 percent (which does not cover back office costs – hedge funds do not typically quote total expense ratios) applies to those investing at least $50 million. Those investing less money will pay more, but still enjoy the 10 percent performance fee. It is hard to argue with Cantab Capital Partners’s assertion that this is “exceptionally low cost” for institutional investors, not least when considering that the fund has daily liquidity and there are neither redemption penalties nor gating clauses. But for performance fee savvy investors, the fact that there is no hurdle rate cannot be ignored. And for those looking for signs of a revolution, Cantab’s other funds have not changed their fees to move in line with the new fund. (07/01 20:01)
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  • 出席: CxcCDZzbfR: I love the theatre http://ww.daimonismo.altervista.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=1004&p=84722 asianteen After all the races had finished I thought my work was done. But this is where it really started. Not behind the camera, like I am used to but actually in front of the camera. All major German TV networks wanted to speak to me as Storl had told everybody the story of how my pictures somehow convinced the judges to call his attempt good and how this secured his World Championship and gold medal. (07/01 08:20)
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  • 出席: OMUVvpCenvfEGsmWX: Can you hear me OK? https://forum.endgegner.pro/posting.php?mode=reply&f=20&t=67&sid=ad171fedef84595c2866268c2f0a1c93 macizorras Rouhani took office after a surprise June election victory following a campaign in which he pledged to repair strained relations with the international community, in particular with the West, and to shore up Iran's ailing economy hard hit by sanctions. (07/01 07:57)
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  • 出席: WcpotEBCzgjse: I have my own business http://plotgaming.uw.hu/forum/viewtopic.php?p=35 daftporn In an effort to stem high childhood obesity levels, the new guidelines set limits on calories and salt, and phase in more whole grains in federally subsidized meals served in schools' main lunch line. Schools must offer at least one vegetable or fruit per meal and comply with a variety of other specific nutrition requirements. The rules aim to introduce more nutrients to growing kids and also make old favorites healthier -- pizza with low-fat cheese and whole-wheat crust, for example, or baked instead of fried potatoes. (07/01 07:10)
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  • 出席: HryMHTIvNlvSIlep: I want to report a http://ww.daimonismo.altervista.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=1004&p=84709 extremefuse The victim, a 22-year-old Indian woman, remained in a hospital Saturday and was recovering well after being repeatedly raped by five men Thursday night in a deserted textile mill, said Mumbai's police commissioner, Satyapal Singh. (07/01 04:29)
  • 出席: HryMHTIvNlvSIlep: Very funny pictures http://plotgaming.uw.hu/forum/viewtopic.php?p=21 sexbots The company has been focusing on providing support servicessuch as moving rigs and building maintenance to the oil and gasindustry in the Middle East as its construction business hasslowed down in the region. (07/01 04:29)
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  • 出席: FOZlZWeZAsyqMfpQ: I don't know what I want to do after university http://ww.daimonismo.altervista.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=1004&p=84660 sexbot Nailing Ginsberg’s accent was a huge thing for me. I enjoyed learning how to speak in a New Jersey accent. On set, I just did it all the time. I listened to a lot of Allen Ginsberg at various stages of his life and Jersey accents of varying degrees on the Internet. I didn’t want to go too far with this, because Allen didn’t have a terribly strong Jersey accent. When he was young, it was more neutral than the ones heard on “Jersey Shore.” I’d talk in the accent and read a lot of his poems and diaries out loud by myself and with my dialect coach. (07/01 04:04)
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  • 出席: aUbCdHLjrpAPr: Jonny was here http://ww.daimonismo.altervista.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=1004&p=84711 boobs Police have questioned a 21-year-old man in connection with the torrent of abuse. He has been bailed to a date in mid-September following his arrest in Manchester on suspicion of harassment offences, Scotland Yard said. (07/01 03:44)
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  • 出席: rGJnWafxpB: I'm on a course at the moment https://forum.endgegner.pro/posting.php?mode=reply&f=20&t=67&sid=25ce3fa89696482303cac67f984aafb7 pornaccess Strictly speaking, Apple has never sold its Mac operating system as a standalone product; it came bundled with Macs, and Apple only sold upgrades to the latest version. Those upgrades have been coming down in price; in recent years, the price has fallen from $99.99 to $29.99 to $19.99 for Mountain Lion, the version before Mavericks. (07/01 01:27)
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